Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What a Day!

The server at work has been down for 2 days and the problems just keep coming. Hopefully things will be back to normal tomorrow. When I have days like these - its hard to go home and enjoy that. But wanted to note that it has been a week but Kiersten got her potty chair last Thursday (Sept 20) and she went pee pee in the potty the first day three times. Ever since then her diaper has been dry every morning and I try to get her to sit on her potty every morning. She has to have a book to look at while she is sitting there.

What a personality! Of course her partner in crime (Honor) is right there with her.

I finally took a picture of David's truck so I wanted to share that. This past weekend we told Kiersten that we were going "bye-bye" and she got her shoes on and opened up the door (by herself) then walked pass the van and walked right over to David's truck and started trying to climb up to open the door. We were laughing so hard. She knew exactly what car she wanted to ride in. Of course, she has to ride with the window down and if David tries to roll the window up she starts screaming and grunting as loud as she can. David is still in love with his truck! I think he washes it at least 2-3 times a week and he is obsessed with the wheels!!! Need I say more?

I love digital camera's but I hate them at the same time! It seems like you can never capture the moment the way you want to - but I did get a really cute one of Kiersten saying "CHEEEEEEZ!!"

Of course - Kaia had to get in on the action. People say Kiersten looks like Kaia. Some days I see it and other days I don't. But in this picture you can definately tell they are sisters and that Kiersten loves her big sister.

Okay -so maybe its the other way around..........Kaia loves her little sister!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Where did the weekend go?

I can't believe that it's already Monday morning! It seems like I blink and Saturday and Sunday are non-existant. I was so excited on Friday, David went to pick up Kiersten and he called me and she took the phone and said, "Hi Mom" that was music to my ears. She is constantly amazing us in how she is able to communicate more and more. David is really in tune with her and he seems to understand her the most.

I just read that they found the body of Camille Cleverly, missing BYU coed, up by Bridal Veil Falls. It makes you stop for a moment and think how quickly something can happen. We were just there a month ago. The falls sure are alluring. Kaia wanted to keep climbing higher and higher and I had to remind her that it wasn't safe. Jon climbed pretty high and I thank God now that nothing happened because you just never know.

I still haven't taken a picture of David's truck - that is on my list of things to do after work today, plus he washed it yesterday, again! We told Kaia that we were going to Disney World in October this weekend and that she will be able to have lunch with the princesses. She is adamant that she sits by Ariel and Kiersey gets to sit on the other side. I keep trying to tell her that we won't be able to be that picky of who we get to sit by, so hopefully its not a total disappointment.

Kaia surprises me all the time - which she continues to proove my therory of Kaia will do it when she is good and ready to. We worked every night studying her spelling words last week. Come Thursday night I assume by then we are just reviewing and shouldn't be stumbling over the words. Well, last Thursday Kaia kept spelling every word I gave her wrong and putting letters in that weren't even close to being in the word. I finally had to throw in the towel because I was getting frustrated. She went to bed and on the way to school the next morning I tried to review them again with her. She was still struggling. I just wished her luck and hoped that she would have a great day. When I saw her after work she showed me her Friday packet of work and guess what.......she got 100% on her spelling test. She just laughed and said "I don't know"

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Bridal Veil Falls - Provo Canyon, Utah - August 2007

"I'm on top of the world!"
"OOOOh, this water is cold!"

Is our life interesting?

I wonder if my life is really interesting, it seems pretty boring. My life revolves around my family. David (husband), Kaia, & Kiersten. They are not as innocent as they appear!

Kaia just started 2nd grade. She is wise beyond her years. She is starting to vocalize her observations a lot more. We have her taking Hip Hop and gymnastics. She refuses to show us any of her dance steps, like she is shy or something.

Kiersey is a HOT MESS! She has it in her head that when she wakes up in the morning she needs to go somewhere. She walks around the house saying, "Bye Bye?" Yesterday she was taking a nap and when she woke up she walked out of the bedroom and David said she walked around looking for Kaia and me. When David told her we went to the store she started crying and when he asked her if she wanted to go bye bye she got her shoes and was ready to go. He had to drive her to the store. She has figured out how to let us know what she wants, when she wants it.

I need to start taking more pictures - I haven't downloaded any for awhile because I am trying to back up what I have. Time always need more time.

David's car finally started to go kaput. We donated his old car to kars4kids. It's weird not to have the car sitting in the drive way anymore. David really wanted a Chevy Avalanche but couldn't quite find one in our price range so he setteled for a 2001 Nissan Frontier Crew Cab. I'll add a picture soon. He is in love with this truck. I can't remember the last time he took time to wash the minivan, let alone wipe any residual dirt from the tire rims. The girls love to ride in it because they can have the windows down. Kiersten will scream bloody murder if you roll the window up while we are driving.