Saturday is suppose to be the day that I can go do what I want to and get things done. Not this past Saturday. The girls and I were doing our usual Saturday morning thing, laundry, clean rooms, sweep floors, etc. It was getting close to noon and I know we had to go because some friends were coming over to purchase some Mary Kay, me included. So I start to round them up and I hear a faint siren. I thought to myself - Ahhhhhhh I'm just hearing things its not really what I think it is.
Then Kaia yells "Mom, did you hear that? We are under a tornado warning?"
I said, "Oh, okay - no big deal."
Then a phone call from a friend a few neighborhoods down the street, "I just wanted to make sure you guys heard the sirens and that you are watching the news. We have a few tornadoes coming our way." Thanks Allison.
Then I get a phone call from a co-worker that lives north of me and she was crying on the phone "Do you hear those sirens? What am I suppose to do? I'm all alone? I think I'm going next door. They don't have stuff like this in Michigan." Poor thing - I would be freaked out too if I didn't have to stay strong for the girls.
I called David - he was at work. Yeah - they are under the warning also. So we just hunker down in front of the TV for the next 4 hours to watch every second of updates. It only rained at our house for a little bit and that was it.
My friend, Val, showed up ready to do the Mary Kay thing so Kaia continued to watch the news and Kiersten and I got to play in the makeup. Stephanie came a little while later. She stayed until we were out of the warnings.

David got home and told how when he was driving home everyone was pulled over to the side of the road or hiding under the underpasses (not so smart). He said that the rain was coming down so hard they could hardly see in front of them but they just kept on driving because they wanted to get home.
Next thing you knew, the sky was blue and you could hear birds everywhere. Well, I still wanted to go to the store and get the shopping done that I didn't get to earlier but David was not letting me out of the house. I was not too happy about that. I told him I was still going to church for the Relief Society Birthday Celebration. He consented.
Everything hit south or north of where we live. I am a little selfish because I am glad that I don't have to deal with any of the immediate clean up.