Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Curly Hair

Why is it that I spend more time worrying about the products that go into Kaia and Kiersten's hair than I do my own? Kaia's hair is thick, loose curls - Kiersten's thin with corkscrew curls. So I came to the conclusion that I have to use one product on Kaia's hair - Mixed Chicks - and I have to use one product on Kiersten's hair - Curly Q

Yeah - your probably saying that I could actually use one product on both heads but their hair reacts so differently I don't like the results. Yes, you can call me picky. This curly hair thing is a whole new experience for me. I am learning slowly but surely.

1 comment:

Magic Marker said...

I feel your pain! All of my girls have different hair types and I feel like we have hair products all over the place. Gotta love it!