Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Kiersten!

Kiersten turned 2 yrs old on Saturday. I feel like it was just yesterday and I remember her birth so vividly. She is growing up way too fast. We celebrated while we were in Utah earlier this month

and then had a birthday party for her on Saturday. She was in heaven.

Before we went to bed I asked Kiersten how old she was. She just looked at me so I said, "Are you 4 yrs old?" She said "No, I'm 2" and tried to hold up her fingers to show 2.


lovell said...

What a sweet girl! She is darling. I hate that they grow up so fast. It is sad for me to think my youngest will be three next month.

Magic Marker said...

How Fun! I think that 2 is such a fun age. She is darling.

Danielle Thompson said...

The pics are so fun! Kiersten's hair is so curly--I love it! Kenzie wishes she had more curl--hers has just enough to make it a pain. It's not straight but it's not really curly either. By the way-How did the food turn out?

Vic said...

She is beautiful. Two is a wonderful age to be. Too bad I cannot recall those years.

Amy said...

Time just flies right past you! Brett and I started talking the other day about how when our baby is up and gone. It will only be 16 years from now. We know it will fly, the last 11 sure have!!