Monday, May 5, 2008

Setting Free

Kaia ordred some butterflies. When she got them there were 5 catepillars in the cup and her and Kiersten got to watch them eat and grow and become a cocoon. They were both excited when they woke up and there were 5 beautiful butterlies flying around. Kaia took care of them for a week and then decided to let them go this weekend.


lovell said...

How fun for your kids. I bet they had a lot of fun. I know my kids would love to do something like that.

Danielle Thompson said...

So fun! Carter was just telling me about the butterflies they were watching in his class. The first cocoon fell into the bottom of the jar. One of the other catepillars ate the cocoon, and then spun it's own. Gross! Of course, Carter thought that was better than butterflies.

Magic Marker said...

We've thought about buying one of those kits, I'm glad to hear that they really work:)