Monday, August 18, 2008

Back to School

I'm not sure if I am excited or not. I kind of enjoy not fighting Kaia to get her homework done and to stay in bed after we send her there at night.

Kaia had an awesome first week of school. She loves her teachers (yes, she has 2) Hopefully that stays that way as the year progresses. Kiersten and I on the other hand had to deal with her being sick the later part of the week with what ended up to be Hand, Foot, Mouth disease. I felt so bad for her. She had sores all over in her mouth and she didn't want to eat and about an hour before it was time to give her another dose of Motrin she would get so irritable. It was not fun. By Saturday she was more herself and wanted to be outside all day playing.On to week 2. We'll see if the excitement continues.


Christy said...

I feel for you. We spent about 2 weeks with the kids throwing up. I am glad that Kaia had a great first week.

Danielle Thompson said...

It always makes school better if they like their teacher--hooray for Kaia! Hand, foot, mouth is never fun--we gone rounds twice on that one.

Kelli said...

Aw...I get so sad for sick babies. They just can't help it:( I'm happy to hear that things are on the upside now. Sounds like Kaia is going to have a good school year.

Thanks for the sweet comment A. I feel very lucky to have married into such an incredible family and (finally!) have 3 great sisters that I've always wanted:)

JoElle said...

I have never heard of Hand, foot, do you get it? Is it so weird to have school aged children? I've still got a ways to go.

lovell said...

Kaia looks cute. I'm so glad school has started. My kids are so bored.

Amy said...

I like Kaia's hair cut....very cute! :)

Magic Marker said...

I love the fall and that feeling when school is starting again! Glad she had a great week:)