Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Brand New Year

Our new year started of the coldest it has been in over 10 years. We didn't get above freezing for 3 days. Of course, this happened the weekend that Tasha came to visit. We still had a lot of fun just being with each other. Its amazing how when you get older how much more you value sisters. Tasha has become my best friend and person I turn to for support.

We spent one afternoon making blankets for the Linus Project. It was so fun. The girls and I just delivered them last night. We are one step closer to getting our tickets to Disney. This was a great service project. Even Kiersten was able to help in her weird sort of way (like staying off the blanket as we cut)


1 comment:

lovell said...

What a fun project. I hope you get all your tickets to go to Disney soon.